Radio Interviews
Having your computer stolen, lost or damaged can be both emotionally and financially devastating for anyone who hasn’t properly backed up their data, especially if you lose photographs, music, school work or business data. To raise awareness of the importance of backing up your computer, LG and The Relations Group ran a successful campaign using technology expert, Guy Clapperton, who was able to discuss research commissioned by LG looking into how Brits are not prepared for the consequences of data loss, damage or theft, to hammer home the significance of external storage devices. Guy was able to discuss, with impressive knowledge and authority, on why people don’t back up their data and give essential advice to listeners on how to properly use external storage devices to save precious files. Coverage highlights included Sky News Radio, London Greek Radio and Waves Radio. Campaign in Numbers LG secured a reach of 31.9 million listeners with over 2 hours worth of coverage. LG’s campaign secured a total of 26 items of coverage up and down the UK. |